In Ireland there’s been an explosion of different kinds of festivals, especially since the launch of the Gathering, from music to arts and every type of cultural festival you can think of so you might think to have yet another festival on the calendar is just plain boring and nothing to write about. Well in most cases you’d be right but not this time, The Irish Redhead Convention is one of the best new festivals to hit the scene.
So what is it?
Well, they call it ‘A Whacky Festival of Ginger Loving Madness’ comprised of everything from the ‘Reddest Beard’ competition to live musical performances from Redheads not to mention the world premiere of ‘Being Ginger’ the movie. Redheads from around the globe will be travelling to the festival, gathering in Crosshaven and even non-redheads are welcome to attend and if they feel a little left out, there’s even hair dyeing available at the Convention for anyone who wants to make the switch. You know what they say, once you go red…..
Being the butt of many a ‘ginger’ joke over the years, we thought about all the famous Redheads over the years who have bucked the trend of stigma to rise above the rest of us bland haired folk and become global success stories!
Here’s out list of top ten success stories (in no particular order);
1. Bosco – The original Irish Children’s TV show character that captured the imagination of a nation of Irish kids.
2. Donal Trump – The billionaire tycoon has dominated the business world for years, unashamedly displaying his ginger look.
3. Sheamus – A WWE heavyweight champion of the world, you can’t get more ginger than this Dublin born goliath.
4. Geri Halliwell – Another music icon, as part of the Spice Girls, Geri or Ginger Spice as she was known became a global pin-up.
5. Chris Evans – TV & radio presenter, businessman, celebrity and writer (maybe), he was the face and voice of the late nineties and early noughties and stoud loud and proud with his giner locks on show.
So if you’d like to experience what it would be like to be a ginger, get yourself down to The Irish Redhead Convention takes place in Co. Cork from August 23rd – 25th and enjoy some great fun and frolics.
Don’t forget for the perfect range of traditional Irish clothing to go with Redheads or any other hair color for that matter, take a look at our authentic Irish sweaters, Irish jewelry and Irish homeware products.