Track Your Order
Track Your Order
Please note: You can track your order by putting your order number in below once your order leaves our warehouse. This can only be done once you receive an email confirming your order has left our warehouse and is now ready for tracking
To track your express shipping, visit this FedEx tracking page, enter your tracking number, and click "Track" to view your package's status.
• Please ensure you check your product page(s) in the tab called "Shipping & Free Returns" for the estimated shipping time before you track your order. We will send you an email when your order has shipped.
• Please allow 24hrs after you receive your shipping confirmation email before you attempt to track your parcel, as the tracking process can only begin when our carriers have received the parcel into their network.
To track your order, please check your Shipment Confirmation Email and follow tracking information from the email.
• Please allow 24hrs after you receive your shipping confirmation email before you attempt to track your parcel, as the tracking process can only begin when our carriers have received the parcel into their network.
To track your order, please check your Shipment Confirmation Email and follow tracking information from the email.