Hi Everyone. It gives me great pleasure this week to take our Virtual Tour of Ireland into County Leitrim. It is often referred to as “Lovely Leitrim” but for me the word lovely doesn’t come close! This is a stunningly beautiful county of lakelands, mountain valleys and lush rolling countryside. County Leitrim also boasts the source of the mighty River Shannon. So let’s get on the road!
County Leitrim Highlights
1. Lough Gill

We start lakeside and Lough Gill which stretches into County Sligo as well as County Leitrim. It measures 8 km by 2 km and is home to 20 islands, including the Isle of Inisfree which inspired Yeats to write his ionic poem The Lake Isle of Inisfree ;
I will arise and go now, and go to Innisfree,
And a small cabin build there, of clay and wattles made;
Nine bean rows will I have there, a hive for the honey bee,
And live alone in the bee-loud glade.
Lough Gill is also the location of the 15th century Parkes Castle (pictured) which commands breathtaking views across the lake.
2. Keshcarrigan

Classic Irish village alert! Situated on Lough Gur, Keshcarrigan is a real charmer. It is a popular stop off for Shannon River cruisers , complete with marina and great pubs! Sheebeg and Sheemore hills provide the perfect backdrop to this lakeside idyll.
3. Eagles Rock

So our next stop takes us into the heart of the Leitrim countryside to the incredible rock formations at Eagles Rock. I love this place. You really feel like you’re stepping back in time to an ancient land where the Ice Age really left its mark. We used this location last year for our Autumn/Winter photo-shoot. I think you’ll agree our best selling zipper cardigan looks pretty gorgeous against this most dramatic of backdrops.
4. Creevelea Friary
Time for some medieval ruins now. Creevelea Friary is situated near Dromahair on the banks of the River Bonet. It dates back to 1508 and was founded by Eóghan O’Rourke and his wife Margaret O’Brian who was a daughter of the King of Thomond. The remains of the church, the nave and cloisters still survive.
5. Glencar Lake

And so we end our County Leitrim journey by the calm and tranquility of Glencar Lake. The Dartry Mountains provide a stunning backdrop with the magnificent Bembulben to the west. The lake is primarily fed by Glencar Waterfall, Ireland’s highest and another source of inspiration for the great W.B. Yeats;
“where the wandering water gushes from the hills above Glencar”

Until next time…..
Take care of yourselves and each other,
Slán go fóill!